We encourage you to tell us what you need, with clear instructions, and our partner will take care of these requests, whether it's shopping, paying bills, picking up prescriptions from the pharmacy, dropping off and picking up clothes from the dry cleaners or light packages from the post office.
This service is not just about shopping, errands and payments for the elderly, but can also cater for people with disabilities or some degree of disability, if they cannot do these activities themselves. We are aware that, unfortunately for people with mobility problems, Timisoara is not the place where they can easily move around, which is why this service can be of great use to you and your loved one.
For older people, going into town can be quite physically demanding, and cold weather or rain makes going out even more difficult, increasing the risk of slipping or injury.
By asking a The Care Hub partner to make these trips for a loved one, you're ensuring that your loved one doesn't miss a thing, without having to do these activities yourself.